BonaServes: Making Volunteering Fun!

Volunteering can be great fun, but all too many people think it is not for them or that they are too busy to help. This might be because they have never done it, or because they do not know where to start. BonaServes aims to end this problem by creating a place to find where to volunteer around campus and around the town plus a place to find out more about volunteering both locally (St. Bonaventure University) and globally.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nice idea!

From the Austin Statesman:
"The young men of Pi Kappa Phi, students from schools all over the country, moved heavy rocks in a swelter Saturday to make the Shoal Creek hike-and-bike trail more accessible to people with disabilities. They are a Build America team, a subsidiary program of Push America, established by the national fraternity in 1977. Push America is a Pi Kappa Phi fraternity bike sojourn across the country for charity"


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