Another pretty cool volunteer opportunity!
"We are in the process of planning the 2006 Bona Leaders Camp!!! This year 40 deserving junior and senior high school students will be on campus for two days, June 26-27 and 29-30 (separated by gender). Bona Leaders is an enrichment program designed to encourage leadership in the classroom and in life which are essential for participant's future college success. This year's theme is Discovery (ok, not original but helpful!). Just like last year, this camp has limited funding and lots of spirit! While our college camp counselors will be paid, we are looking for faculty, staff and summer students to volunteer as workshop leaders (a 1-2 hour commitment). We are also looking for appropriate 3 to 5 hour work experiences around campus for 2-3 Bona Leaders (think filing, sorting and copying).
Our hope is that this year will be a repeat of last year's wonderful response. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Cheryl at x7813, ."